National Housing Infrastructure Facility (NHIF)

Finance to unlock and accelerate new housing supply, directly support new social and affordable housing and improve access to crisis and transitional accommodation.  

NHIF image

What is the NHIF?

The National Housing Infrastructure Facility (NHIF) is an Australian Government initiative administered by Housing Australia that provides loans and grants to support the delivery of more social and affordable homes.

The NHIF was first established in 2018 to provide finance for critical housing-enabling infrastructure, such as utilities and roads, to unlock and accelerate new housing supply.  

In 2022, the Australian Government expanded the remit of the NHIF for more flexible use, enabling Housing Australia to use the funds for social and affordable housing needs in additional to critical infrastructure.

In September 2023, the Australian Government announced it would increase the NHIF by $1 billion to provide finance for new social housing. In the 2024-25 Budget, the Government committed to targeting this additional $1 billion for the NHIF towards crisis and transitional accommodation for women and children experiencing family and domestic violence, and crisis and transitional accommodation for youth.  

How it works

National Housing Infrastructure Facility - Critical Infrastructure (NHIF CI)

Through the NHIF CI we finance critical housing enabling infrastructure such as utilities and roads to unlock and accelerate new housing supply. Without this funding, the projects may not go ahead or may start much later or deliver less homes. 

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National Housing Infrastructure Facility - Social and Affordable Housing (NHIF SAH)

Through the NHIF SAH we provide concessional loans and grants to directly support new social or affordable housing projects. 


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National Housing Infrastructure Facility - Crisis and Transitional Housing (NHIF CT)

The NHIF CT provides grants and loans to support the delivery of housing for vulnerable Australians, including women and children experiencing family and domestic violence, and youth at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness. 

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