We've helped over 211,000 Australians to buy their own home.
A monthly update to CHPs on interest rates and funding markets relevant to the finance Housing Australia can offer via the Affordable Housing Bond Aggregator.
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Read our latest Annual Report for a detailed update of Housing Australia's activities from the last 12 months.
The Australian Government recently made some key changes to the Home Guarantee Scheme eligibility criteria outlined below:
The Eligibility Tool is a short questionnaire to help home buyers determine which Guarantee/s they may be eligible for. This tool can help home buyers determine eligibility for the First Home Guarantee, Family Home Guarantee or Regional First Home Buyer Guarantee. Advice is general in nature and does not constitute a determination of eligibility. Home buyers (and those advising them) should consider consulting a Participating Lender and seeking independent financial and legal advice about whether a particular home loan or property, and the terms of the HGS suit personal circumstances and objectives. Before entering into a home loan agreement, home buyers should consider talking with their lender (or broker) about the potential implications of changing interest rates or house prices on individual circumstances. Housing Australia, its employees and agents will not be responsible for any claims for direct or indirect loss allegedly caused by or arising from the use of this tool. All monetary figures displayed are in Australian dollars. View the Guarantee Comparison Table for a brief overview of the key aspects of the Guarantees. For more information and to discuss individual circumstances, contact a Participating Lender.